Install the Starting Step & Remaining Treads
To Install the Starting Step
Apply adhesive to the floor cleat installed in Step A.6 and to the back edge of the starting step tread, and move the assembly into its final position. A few 8d finishing nails through the riser will hold it to the cleat while the adhesive sets. Where possible, use screws to attach the second riser to the back of the starting step tread.
To Install the Remaining Treads
In Step A.7 the treads were dry fitted. Permanently install the treads, beginning with the first plain tread or mitered tread. (When you are using a starting step, the first plain tread is the second step.) Apply construction adhesive to the stringers, then apply carpenter’s wood glue to the top edge of the first riser and the back edge of the tread (see fIgure below).
If you have access to the underside of the stairway, secure the tread to the cleats, if used, with screws. Also, place screws through the bottom of the riser to secure the back edge of the tread (see figure above).
If you have access to the underside of the stairway, secure the tread to the cleats, if used, with screws. Also, place screws through the bottom of the riser to secure the back edge of the tread (see figure above).
If you do not have access to the underside of the stairway, reach through the open space for the next tread to secure the tread to the cleats and riser with screws.
If you do not use cleats (StairNote Nine: Squeakless Stairways), nail down through the face of the tread. Use 10d or 12d finish nails, and nail into each stringer, ensuring the tread is pulled flat. Countersink the heads so they can be filled later. Another installation option is to drill for wood plugs and use screws instead of nails.
Repeat these instructions for all remaining treads.